Tizen Studio Installation and Setup Guide For React/Samsung Kiosk

Tizen Studio Installation and Setup Guide For React/Samsung Kiosk

This guide demonstrates the steps on how to download and setup the Tizen Emulator to run Applova Kiosk on it.

Step 1
Click on the below link.
Step 2
Click on "Download Tizen Studio".

Step 3
Under "Tizen Studio 5.6 with IDE installer", click on "64bit". Your file then will be downloaded.

Step 4
Go to the device file location where the application is downloaded and double click on "web-ide_Tizen_Studio_5.6_windows-64".
Step 5
Click on "Accept" in the "Tizen Studio Installer" window.

Step 6
Keep the SDK Location and Data Location as default and click on "Install" (Notedown the locations if they are changed) . Then click on "Finish".

Step 7
Once the installation is completed, expand "Tizen SDK tools" and then expand "Baseline SDK". Next, click on the "Install" button of the Emulator manager.

Step 8
Once the installation is completed, close the Package Manager window and click "OK" on the popup.

Step 9
Search and open the Emulator Manager on your device.

Step 10
The first time the Emulator Manager is loaded, both the Emulator Manager and Platform Installation windows will open.
Select the check box of Mobile Version 4.0 and click on "OK". Then click on "Yes" to launch the package manager.

Step 11
Once the Platform Installation is completed it automatically loads back the Emulator Manager, click on "Create" button.
Select mobile-4.0-x86 (basic) on the Emulator Configuration Window, and then click on "Next".

Step 12
Click on "+" on top right corner of the Emulator Configuration. On the Template Configuration give a device name and set the resolution to 1080*1920 and size to 24, and click on "OK".

Step 13
Select the newly created device and click on "Next". Then click on the "Finish" button.

Step 14
Tick off the checkbox of the newly created device and click on "Launch".

Once it launches, this is how it appears.

Steps on How to Download Samsung Kiosk on the Tizen Emulator

Step 1
Place the wgt file in the following folder location : C:>tizen-studio>tools .
Please contact the Dev Team to get the Applova Kiosk.wgt file.

Step 2
Type sdb install filename.wgt and press enter.

How it Reflects on Samsung Kiosk

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