How to Enable Product Recommendations in Kiosk?

How to Enable Product Recommendations in Kiosk?

This feature allows the merchants to suggest products to customers when they place orders for specific items.

Types of Product Recommendations

There are two types of product recommendations. 
1. Cross Sell 
2. Up Sell 

What is Cross Sell?

Cross Sell is recommending a product that is usually bought together with the product that the customer ordered.
E.g. : If the customer wants to purchase a Chicken Burger, the system will suggest to purchase French Fries along with it.

How Cross Sell Appears in Kiosk

Popup when product added to cart

Popup at Checkout

What is Up Sell?

Up Sell is recommending a product with a higher price instead of the product that the customer ordered.
E.g. : If the customer wants to purchase a Regular Chicken Burger, the system will suggest to purchase a Chicken Burger Combo instead.

How Up Sell Appears in Kiosk

Display on Product Details Page

Popup at Checkout

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