How to Change the Order Status?

How to Change the Order Status?

This feature allows to change the status of the order as New, Accepted, Ready, Completed or Rejected.
  1. New - This is a new order that has been placed through any of the channels such as mobile app (order ahead) or POS and has not yet been accepted.
  2. Accepted - These are orders that have been accepted by the merchant to be processed. POS settings can allow new orders to be automatically accepted. If an order is accepted, it's sent to the KDS for the kitchen staff to prepare the order.
  3. Ready - Once the order's items are prepared, they will be informed to the customer via PA or through the customer's mobile number and push notifications.
  4. Completed - Orders that have been completely carried out with order items provided to the customer.
  5. Rejected - New orders that are rejected by the merchant. For example, the merchant can reject the order if there are insufficient ingredients to prepare the new order.
Step 1
Sign into the "Applova POS" with the credentials of your business.
Step 2
Tap on “Sales Orders” in the Dashboard.

Marking as Accepted

Step 1
Under the "New" tab, tap on the order you wish to mark as Accepted. 
Step 2
Tap "Charge Now" and proceed with the payment to move the order to the accepted state.

Marking as Ready

Step 1
Under the "Accepted" tab, tap on the order you wish to mark as Ready. 
Step 2
Tap "Mark As Ready" to move the order to the ready state.

Marking as Completed

Step 1
Under the "Ready" tab, tap on the order you wish to mark as Completed. 
Step 2
Tap "Mark As Completed" to move the order to the completed state.

Marking as Rejected

Step 1
Under the "New" tab, tap on the order you wish to Reject. 
Step 2
Tap on "More". 

Step 3
Tap on "Reject Order".

Give a reason for rejecting the order.

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